If you feel a bit squirmy about final arrangements for yourself or anyone else, this class will help you think about and discuss a wide variety of options with more comfort and ease. You’ll learn from subject matter experts who welcome questions and have nothing to sell. We’ll discuss prices at local funeral homes and cemeteries; prepaid funeral contracts; hospice care; organ, tissue, and whole body donation, green burial, and more. You’ll be invited to participate in relaxed, small group discussions to help you incorporate your end-of-life values and priorities into healthcare directives specifying what interventions you would or would not want should you be unable to speak for yourself. Completion of advance directives requires some reading and thoughtful consideration between several class sessions.
Instructors: Nancy Walker and Alex Casas
When: Mondays, September 9 through October 28, 2024, 10 a.m. to Noon
Where: Conley-Guerrero Senior Center, 808 Nile Street, Austin, TX 78702
Cost: $30 per person, payable to LL at registration $10 per person for class handouts, payable to FCA of Central Texas at first class session